Qnet Scam in India being done by friends and family, How to save yourself from emotional trap:
[[If you dont want to read full blog then just skip to my second meeting portion which may be useful to you. IF YOU LIKE MY POST THEN PLEASE CLICK ON ADVERTISEMENT OF THE PAGE. MONEY EARNED WILL BE USED IN ADVERTISEMENT OF THE PAGE. HOPE QNET's DAYS in INDIA ARE NUMBERED]]
{{Updates: 13.04.16, Impact of the blog:- Bastard Ashwin Baluja is now hiding. He has deleted his FB account as well as linkedin profile. No worry this blog will not be deleted. I ensured its mirror will come up automatically. Chillax...}}
{{19.04.16: Detailed coverage by Zee Business today on Qnet Scam. Posted video at bottom. Twitter trends emotional trap of friends &family by #QnetScam @ZeeBusiness #operationloot @ZeeNewsHindi @ZeeNews Read http://qnetindiascam.blogspot.in/ }}
{{30.04.16: How to deal arguments of Qnet bastards. Must read.}}
{{10.05.16: See the authenticity of Qnet Documents which Qnet IR give.}}
{{11.05.16: See the fake products of Qnet which IR will never show.}}
{{12.05.16: Impact of the blog: Ashwin Baluja has deleted his Qnet Vcon Video i referred here. Bastard ashwin is so shameful to show his Qnet Vcon video on youtube...Even he deleted youtube account.. Hope he himself be get deleted from earth.. came to know through his wife that his father-in-law is superintendent of police... hahaha still bastard is saving the face..}}
{{10.01.17 Bastard Ashwini Baluja is famous as Qnet scamster when you search his name on google this blog is first on result. thank you all}}
Reason for writing this post to reveal truths of Qnet are following:
{{19.04.16: Detailed coverage by Zee Business today on Qnet Scam. Posted video at bottom. Twitter trends emotional trap of friends &family by #QnetScam @ZeeBusiness #operationloot @ZeeNewsHindi @ZeeNews Read http://qnetindiascam.blogspot.in/ }}
{{30.04.16: How to deal arguments of Qnet bastards. Must read.}}
{{10.05.16: See the authenticity of Qnet Documents which Qnet IR give.}}
{{11.05.16: See the fake products of Qnet which IR will never show.}}
{{12.05.16: Impact of the blog: Ashwin Baluja has deleted his Qnet Vcon Video i referred here. Bastard ashwin is so shameful to show his Qnet Vcon video on youtube...Even he deleted youtube account.. Hope he himself be get deleted from earth.. came to know through his wife that his father-in-law is superintendent of police... hahaha still bastard is saving the face..}}
{{10.01.17 Bastard Ashwini Baluja is famous as Qnet scamster when you search his name on google this blog is first on result. thank you all}}
Reason for writing this post to reveal truths of Qnet are following:
0. To help people from trap of online ponzy schemes like qnet which will come in future. Alexa and online site statistics can save you. I reccomend you to read what exactly a Ponzy Scheme is at wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_scheme Qnet like companies will always come to have nonexistent product to safeguard them from ponzy schemes like they will sale products not available, magic water glass, some kind of gold which will appreciate too much in future, travel hotel schemes etc.
1. Ashwin Baluja : The qnet master who told me after failing to convince me in the meeting that you are doubting me and you dont fit for my buiseness. This guy is trying to spread wings in delhi/
2. Prithvi Raj Grover: Loyal chela of Ashwin who tried to insult me when i refused to invest hard earned 7 lac in their business by saying that can you spend atleast 500 rupees to read some crap books like Rich dad Poor dad to get some wisdom of his great qnet business. Don;t he know the book he was referring is available in every railway platform and how many have become rich by dreaming and doing nothing, Only Prithvi can know as he is fooling people by saying hari krishna. Hope krishna will reserve a sit for him in hell. His number is 09311695949
3. Now i will show you both that who i am actually and how i made fool of both of you. Even if a single guy reach here googling you and dont fell in your qnet trap then writing this post will be a success. I welcome comments of all the victims as well as Qnet lover who would like to defend Qnet. In future lots of direct selling company will come to use platform of e-Commerce to fool people.
3. Now i will show you both that who i am actually and how i made fool of both of you. Even if a single guy reach here googling you and dont fell in your qnet trap then writing this post will be a success. I welcome comments of all the victims as well as Qnet lover who would like to defend Qnet. In future lots of direct selling company will come to use platform of e-Commerce to fool people.
So story starts like this. In a good sunday morning i got a call for some business proposal from my nfriend.. wont give his name since he was good behaving with me throughout the qnet trap.
He was not disclosing in detail on fone and told me to meet in a cafe. So i went there to know about the business. Now here the Qnet modus operandi starts. Cafe was good met with my friend and his colleague Prithvi. They Greeted with SHRI KRISHNA. Came to know they are from ISCON. Apart from business Prithvi started to talk all big things like in this business he earned so much.. had foreign visits.. posch cars of his boss Ashwin.. who has to take Entry in to scene.. So it was all well choreographed. I had been told the great Ashwin sir is taking meeting in some Five Star Conference Hall and will come to this cafe to oblige me.. They told he is a great bollywood person involved in many films..
Finally Guru Ashwin came and my brain washing started. I appreciate that Ashwin is a good communicator and he tried to put his thoughts over me. Conversation started with general talk. Family job etc. then he told how he fell many times in life to got succeed. He asked your Dream. Are you satisfied with your job. To fully brainwash he did some bizarre math like this:
A: how much is their in your saving account?
Me: I said no more than 1 Lac. (Obviously i would invest my earning rather keeping in Savings)
A: You work 10 Hr a day, 200 days a year. So in 10 year (2000 Days) your saving is just 1 lac divided 2000 day i.e. 50 Rs per day.
Me. (Thinking How silly because i invested at other places then saving account. You know copmpare apple wit oranges )
A: While in my business there is no limit to earn because your are getting Active income and My business will give passive income?
Me: what passive?
A: People will work for you. You may get 8 lacs per week to 5 crore in year after 3-4 year of hard work then doing nothing for rest of your life.
Me: (thinking Now i felt some fishy: Still Guruji has not reveal the business. Brainwashing continues)
A: To make you our partner we have to screen you. If your profiles fit then only i will make you my partner.
Me: (thinking What screen boss. Let me know the business first)
A: For my business you must have some passion. Which i can see in you?
Me: (Thinking atleast tell me the business)
A: Tumko ankhon se khoon aur daato se paseena bahana hoga for 3 years. (For 3 yr you have to bleed the eyes and sweat the teeth)
M: (Thinking But what is the business???)
A: My chela (Praveen and my freind) are doing good they have been to dubai and bla bla bla
A: Do you know about E-Commerce. That is our business.
Me: I know about e-Commerce.
A: Then detail lecture of benefits and future of e-Commerce.
A: so we will give detail in next meeting.
A: you have to invest 6.5 Lac.
Me: I said i dont have right now.
A: How much you have.
Me: 1 lac in saving. 3 lac in FD.
A: how many credit card you have with limit?
Me: 3 lac in 3 card.
A: No issue we can swipe your card for 3 lac in next meeting.
Me: (Thinking wtf Next meeting? First tell me the business idiots)
So all above conversation of brain washing took 2 hour and Still i didn't know about Business except it is e-Commerce. (Not even about Qnet by that time)
Till this time i was not knowing there top secret business. What i was knowing two names ASHWIN BALUJA and Prithvi.
So i google them found ASHWIN BALUJA linkdin profile https://www.linkedin.com/pub/ashwin-baluja/29/39b/a76. For my surprise his profile is not giving any idea of his business except e-Commerce with Infinity. I searched infinity and didnt found any company.
Below is snapshot of his profile:

Then i found a youtube video uploaded by ashwin of a program in Malaysia and everyone was wearing Infinity t-shirt. I was not finding company name with Infinity. suddenly in video i saw this at 0:35 seconds. One guy has Qnet Logo on his neck.
Youtube link: This video has been deleted by Bastard Ashwin Baluja because his business Qnet is legal and he wanna hide his ass. But screenshot is with me, with name of Ashwin Baluja as uploader below.
I searched Qnet. Voila .. Found about a big scam. Actually net is full of sufferers and victim of Qnet.
So now i was knowing everything about Qnet. See youtube link above. and screeshot of clue i got below:

Now i got Ashwins FB and linkedin page but he has not mentioned about Qnet There. So Qusestion why his job is Hidden???? here is ashwin in left with prithvi.

Remind you that those guy were saying me that it is just some unknown e-Commerce business. But i searched and Got Link Infinity > Qnet and VIHAAN indternational
i planned to pretend them like i am not knowing anything about Qnet and would like to see how they will trap me.

Now i got Ashwins FB and linkedin page but he has not mentioned about Qnet There. So Qusestion why his job is Hidden???? here is ashwin in left with prithvi.

Remind you that those guy were saying me that it is just some unknown e-Commerce business. But i searched and Got Link Infinity > Qnet and VIHAAN indternational
i planned to pretend them like i am not knowing anything about Qnet and would like to see how they will trap me.
Now Prithvi called me and told to give screenshot of my bank account on whatsapp to confirm that i have 6.5 lac to invest.
Now see how bastards and dare these guys can do by asking screenshot of your account straight forward.
Actually i had 50 Rs in my saving bank account so as i tweaked the HTML source of online bank statement and credited 10 lac rupees and sent the screenshot to him. I did not alter my account number purposefully because i was thinking these people are smart and would enquire my account statement with someone in thier network working with bank. By this i was hoping they will know i have only 50Rs and i will get rid of this qnet shit. But these idiots do nothing and due to their greed of money they fell in my trap.
My fake bank account screenshot made them more desperate for my money. Again they did another daring by asking me to add following 3 accounts for online payment. (If some reader is from ED then forward this for inquiry to get transactions)
SBI A/c 30256508021 R K Puram Delhi
SBI 33628456739 Sector-12 Dwarka
3. My friends account.
NOW See without telling me about e-Commerce business they got my account screenshot and i added account and transfer 50 rupees to make them believe that i am serious for some unknown business. How foolish.
Now Prithvi used to call me every day. By Hare Krishna and saying Politely for a meeting only in day time while due to office i was not able to do except evening. He cite reason of Great Ashwin sir is busy and will be available in Day Time. So i told OK in any weekend Day time. But he told weekend is not possible only working day.
Day Time?? wtf then why great Ashwin met me in first meeting in sunday evening. Here is the catch. He wont reveal me but i guess that banking transaction can be done only in day time and in week days. Not in weekends. So that was the plan to trap me and flush my account on banking hour after the meeting.
So knowing all things about Qnet and thier modus operandi i agreed for a meeting in my office time from 8AM morning. They called me in a fivestar hotel lobby. I waited for half and hour then came Prithvi and my friend. I told them clearly that i have lots of question about business cause i am going to invest my money in it. I asked Prithvi where does Ashwin live??
He told Ashwin live in Delhi only but staying in this Five star hotel. For my surprize i saw Ashwin coming from main entrance instead of some room. So how a person having home in delhi would live on hotel room and will come from main entrance and not from the lift lobby suspicious???
((actually they do brainwashing in cafe and restraunt for hours thats why Mumbai cafe banned qnet members to have meeting there read news in link given at right pane))
((actually they do brainwashing in cafe and restraunt for hours thats why Mumbai cafe banned qnet members to have meeting there read news in link given at right pane))
Well i was prepare to ask following questions:
Company is registered in india.. MCA webSite?
company structure?
Company base in countries having e-commerce guidlines.
listing in share market.
why business is top secret.
Why time to jouin your business is important in day and hours.urgency??
e-commerce website traffic and ranking in alexa.
What is product’s description
usage, need of product to a person.
cost breakup : Transportation costs? Extra costs?
Delivery Time? Warranty?

But these cheaters group wont allowed me to ask. Master Ashwin Baluja started with Brainwashing with help of asslicker Prithvi. So i had to listen all there bullshit and they again not told anything about the buiseness model.
Finally greedy people asked me to pay 6.5 lac on some online portal. Here i took the charge and told them why should i invest in the business and how you guarantee my money to have good return.
Final blow came when i asked that What is the visitors statistic of your qnet portal. Ashwin was claiming atleast 10 million registered users are for Qnet. So i raised the issue that atleast you may have half million page views per month if not daily. Also told to let me know page ranking. like amazon had 1st ranking so we can expect qnet to be atleast under 1000 ranked.
Seems i hit the balls of ashwin and prithvi. Both had no option to escape. I told them show me statistics from www.alexa.com . Here you can see user penetration of any website.
Here you can see the results in screenshot. qnet website has 76000 rank below the rank of my blog. and user visits not more than 7 lakh in last 4 month. Also see comparison chart with other website even with localbanya and flipkart.

To be fair.. I am adding another alexa figure of most used website in india of Qnet as said by Qnet supporter in Comments section qnetindia.net . But it still dosent give clear picture and way behind small ration kirana e-commerce site having said that millions (Actually Qnet supporters dont have exact figures of hthier customers) are involved in direct selling business of Qnet. here is the pic:

Then they told me about Qnet products when i bowled them on website:
They just give a brief idea of it and hardly show and demo/experiment as they know it’s of no use.
- Luxury items (watches by- Bernerd H. Mayer and Chairos Swiss Made) both solely owned by QNET and the price and quality are not in sync though they say they come before Rolex and others in international rankings of watch makers. Along with that the jewelry items are also not up to the standard but are charged highly.
Vacation Packages- Ahem! Ahem! Correction needed. They don’t offer vacation packages rather hotel packages but name it as holiday packages, vacation packages, etc. It costs around 3lac, 5lac etc which are valid for 30 years and you can travel on 7 week max for a time, and for 3lac-on alternate years and so on. The resorts are owned by QNET and other hotels (mostly 3-star or 4-star) they have tied up. Let’s
have a calculation: 15times in 30 year(on alternate years) x 7 days per each time you go= 105days
105 days for Rs. 3, 00, 000/- Per day= Rs 2857/-
Not just that, we have to pay again on booking the hotel/resort like 11000/- INR to 25000/- INR called Xchange Fee according to the room we need. So how do you think the calculation per day would go? Let’s take a look.
Now if you pay 11000/- INR --- Per day charge= 2857+ (11000/7)=4428 INR
Similarly for 25000/- INR --- Per day charge= 2857+ (25000/7)=6428 INR
The Xchange fee may vary later on the years. God Knows! Health and Nutrition Now this vertical is a big joke. People will buy Bio Disc a simple glass disc said to have energy correction and a lot of nonsense and can cure/ reduce the diseases effects. Moreover, the water will also have better properties if the glass is over the Bio Disc. If that is so, the fertilizers added to the vegetables and fruits will turn into minerals and will help in growth of the human beings.
Even the other products are substandard.
Telecommunications They have a SIM which will cost less for international calls. That has already a steep competition from other network providers.
Cloud Computing They have a small could storage space like Dropbox and Google Drive and are no comparison to the later ones.
Water Purifier Its LOL! Far better are of Aqua Gard and the new ones which has RO and UV.
Swiss Education Package This package has no value as it’s not recognized around the world.
There are some more products which are worthless
Anyhow this post is just to guide, now you are free to invest your hard earned money in Qnet. I dont care if these bastard ashwin gang has some object on whatever i written here. If they have guts then they should come up with actual facts and figure instead of bullshit of trust and belief stories. Its a sin to loot peoples hard earned money and preach hare krishna. Comment section is open for all.
[[Update: I have written in a hurry, will update it if get some time]]
Links and references
https://www.facebook.com/prithvigrover His number is 09311695949
A very nice video to understand Qnet is here ..
Zee Business Coverage of 19.04.16: For unknown reasons Zee Business removed its content from Youtube. thats how media works. May be they got enough money from Qnet to remove it.
If any of you want to complain this bastard then give contact at comments section. I will help to forward this to enforcement directorate and delhi police.
Now Download the complaint format from here and fill it:
Fill the application to the most possible and if aren't able research a little more so that you can fill as much as you can then along with the filled document you need to send few documents:
1) photocopy of PAN Card
2) print out of the email you got from QNET regarding your purchase and registration
3) print of any communication (email, WhatsApp included) with your upline or any person of QNET regarding your asking them for refund.(preferable but not mandatory)
4) Email of VCON ticket of QNET if any and of any other events(internal of team also)
5) The bank statement of the transfer of money to your friend or any upline whom you have sent.
6) Check your profile of QNET from the portal, if it doesn't contain any details of your bank account number, IFSC Code then take a screen-print of it alongwith the date and time stamp by taking print screen and enclose a print out of that too
7) Take a print out of your downlines in genealogy, the who have been added by your upline by saying they will work for you whether you work or not and if you can get details of send a print out of it as well
8) Address proof (preferably passport)
9) Photograph of your upline, introducer whoever you have met( Facebook photoscan be accepted)
10) ID proof
11) KYC documents submitted and if you haven't signed it, then write it in the form; Before doing that write the customer request form as "I need to know about the KYC "
12) Any amount taken by your upline for any other related purposes- like money taken for each plan, other VCON ticket or any other related things.
13) Any other documents can be enclosed too.
After this send(Only through registered post) a package of all the documents to the crime branch of your city and one package to Economic Offences Wing.
Qnet IR will give some arguments in favour of Qnet. How to counter them. This happened in real.. see the comment section:
Qnet: Vihaan Direct Selling is the franchisee of qnet in India.
You: Ya i know that Vihaan is a Pseudo Company started in india as Qnet franchise just as formality. It dosent have infrastructure , a proper website, contacts email.. nothing .. It has nothing like a company.. Just to do scam you hired some space in a tower.. a multi billion company running in a cabin of WTC.. amazing.. which has been raided many times.. thats in all leading newspaper.. and IR like you dont have offices because you use different mobile numbers.. someone else bank account number to transfer the money.. why dont you transfer the money in bank account of Vihaan .. this is why you dont have offices else people whom you duped will caught you and kick on you ASS.. Even cafe have started to ban IR for entering them .. So its clear that it has nothing like big business as i already proved through Alexa that qnet e-commerce has no visitor footprints.. Checkmate..
Qnet: pyramid scheme, draw the organisational structure of your organisation for which you are working.
It will be like pyramid shaped only.
You: Again you are comparing Apple with Oranges as typical Qnet guy.. In an organisation pyramid has fix and sustainable level 5-8. But in Qnet Pyramid you are not going to earn before 13 level (practically 26) .. Organisation will have believable profit figures but Qnet Pyramid has unbelievable profit figure in billions which looks good in paper and maths.. Suppose you start a chain from your level a member theoretically starts seeing real money (5 crore a year- which qnet claims) only when his network is 13 levels deep (over 6,000 members) with all members achieving all targets. Any marketer will tell you that's pipe dream. Again theoretically, one can reach this target within 13 months if everyone is able to recruit another within a month of joining. Pretty attractive propositiion which is the one sold at meetings and presentations.
Introduce a 50% dropout rate (conservative, as mentioned above), the number of levels required grows to 26 levels (almost a million members!). Introduce a 2 month introduction period instead of 1 month, you now have 52 (4.5 years, 26 levels x 2 months each) months to reach the level. All this is assuming of course that you stick it out and are able to balance your legs each period.
Then there is the question of where you are on the network. While the top level guy is making USD150k (with a 13 level deep network), the 5th level recruit is making just USD10k. This amount drops by half every succeeding level which means people 10 levels down is just about recovering his/her money. The theoretical possibility to get to the top is what drives everyone. The math, however, supports a very small lot on the top.
Interestingly, when the guy on top i.e you, is making 5 Crore a year (at 13 levels deep), the company is generating revenue of USD300mn plus! Thats for only you. now if there are 10 like you in Qnet then Qnet profit become 1 billion. So its clearly a scam of selling dream. Mathematically proven.. Checkmate..
Qnet:What is wrong in Chain. HR is adding people in the organisation and making chain only.
You: Again you are comparing Apple with Oranges as typical Qnet guy.. In an organisation pyramid has fix and sustainable level 5-8. But in Qnet Pyramid you are going to earn 5 cr year as claimed after 13 level (practically 26) .. Organisation will have believable profit figures but Qnet Pyramid has unbelievable profit figure in billions which looks good in paper and maths.. In organisation by adding we make team also and hierarchy is not called as chain.. so better read some management books and dont make foolish comparisons..Checkmate.
Qnet: Brainwashing means clearing your brain and taking out garbage which you have have and most of the people have regarding network marketing and big business. You give your vehicle for washing too?
You: Qnet guy will comapre Apple with Oranges always.. brain washing with car washing.. what a comparison.. rofl... So you honestly acceppted that you guys do brainwashing of people.. you sell the epic dream of 'Work for a couple of years and earn forever, doing nothing'. Needless to say, there are millions of people across the world, who buy into this dream... Everything in paper looks good but in reality by brainwashin you are making them fool.. You already know that these people are never going to earn which they are shown instead they will loose all money..You tell them to note down there dreams.. buying home.. audi..foreign trips blah blah.. to make family and friends contact list in different category so that they could also be trapped in this scam.. Even you brainwash them to fool relatives.. thats a biggest sin.. i dont know how you people get good sleep at night. Checkmate..
Qnet: you are far more smarter than Robert T Kiyosaki and Burke Hedges.
You: When qnet bastard fail to sustain any argument with you then he will ask for these books.You all advise to read Robert Kiyoski's books to make clear idea about network marketing. Rich Dad Poor Dad book gives lesson as build you assets and then let your assets buy luxary for you. But are you really follow the advise of the book. You make people to start dreaming your product is filled with full lust and greed. You brainwash people by talking upchain members luxury and all. These writers have not told that without having a good product just start making chain and get commission by fooling people. You are running ponzy scam whith pseudo product which are of no use. Checkmate..
Qnet: Go and start your own business and run it according to yourself. The thing is you can't even sell a single pen by yourself.
You: Yes i can sell a single pen because it is a real product and people need it.. Do you know meaning of product... A porduct is something which is going to be consumed by consumer on his requirement.. And whta qnet people are selling pseudo product which nobody needs.. a 100rs chinese glass is sold in 22k in name of trust which nobody needs it.. to sell this you have to do brainwashing.. the same my bastard friend is doing as you do.. Go and learn definition of product.. Checkmate..
Qnet: Talking about credibility of qnet, Martini Hingis would not have become the brand ambassador of qnet if it's such a fraud company.
You: What a bullshit.. where Martina is promoting the Qnet.. not a single word siad for qnet.. only questions were displayed to fool people.. If i am going to pay her then she will wear a tshirt of my name.. they are professional.. Virat playing for Vijay mallya's team dosen give mallya a cleancheat.. Paying to F1 team dosent mean that Qnet is clean and not doing scams..As a percentage of revenues, 20% are operating expenses. MLM companies are heavy on marketing and sponsorships, international and local seminar with celebrities, promotions, IT, Trainings etc. For eg Qnet is associated with F1, Donates to Unesco, Is the sponsor of Indian Davios cup team etc.
40% is distributed as commissions between the 'Upchain' members. All those people who have led to this member are paid. People higher in the chain get paid less per transaction but will have higher cumulative earnings and vice versa. Qnet follows a MLM model known as Binary Tree Structure. The commission models can be disguised in many forms but broadly the payouts remain the same.
Remaining 40% is operating profit of the company. Checkmate..
Introduce a 50% dropout rate (conservative, as mentioned above), the number of levels required grows to 26 levels (almost a million members!). Introduce a 2 month introduction period instead of 1 month, you now have 52 (4.5 years, 26 levels x 2 months each) months to reach the level. All this is assuming of course that you stick it out and are able to balance your legs each period.
Then there is the question of where you are on the network. While the top level guy is making USD150k (with a 13 level deep network), the 5th level recruit is making just USD10k. This amount drops by half every succeeding level which means people 10 levels down is just about recovering his/her money. The theoretical possibility to get to the top is what drives everyone. The math, however, supports a very small lot on the top.
Interestingly, when the guy on top i.e you, is making 5 Crore a year (at 13 levels deep), the company is generating revenue of USD300mn plus! Thats for only you. now if there are 10 like you in Qnet then Qnet profit become 1 billion. So its clearly a scam of selling dream. Mathematically proven.. Checkmate..
Qnet:What is wrong in Chain. HR is adding people in the organisation and making chain only.
You: Again you are comparing Apple with Oranges as typical Qnet guy.. In an organisation pyramid has fix and sustainable level 5-8. But in Qnet Pyramid you are going to earn 5 cr year as claimed after 13 level (practically 26) .. Organisation will have believable profit figures but Qnet Pyramid has unbelievable profit figure in billions which looks good in paper and maths.. In organisation by adding we make team also and hierarchy is not called as chain.. so better read some management books and dont make foolish comparisons..Checkmate.
Qnet: Brainwashing means clearing your brain and taking out garbage which you have have and most of the people have regarding network marketing and big business. You give your vehicle for washing too?
You: Qnet guy will comapre Apple with Oranges always.. brain washing with car washing.. what a comparison.. rofl... So you honestly acceppted that you guys do brainwashing of people.. you sell the epic dream of 'Work for a couple of years and earn forever, doing nothing'. Needless to say, there are millions of people across the world, who buy into this dream... Everything in paper looks good but in reality by brainwashin you are making them fool.. You already know that these people are never going to earn which they are shown instead they will loose all money..You tell them to note down there dreams.. buying home.. audi..foreign trips blah blah.. to make family and friends contact list in different category so that they could also be trapped in this scam.. Even you brainwash them to fool relatives.. thats a biggest sin.. i dont know how you people get good sleep at night. Checkmate..
Qnet: you are far more smarter than Robert T Kiyosaki and Burke Hedges.
You: When qnet bastard fail to sustain any argument with you then he will ask for these books.You all advise to read Robert Kiyoski's books to make clear idea about network marketing. Rich Dad Poor Dad book gives lesson as build you assets and then let your assets buy luxary for you. But are you really follow the advise of the book. You make people to start dreaming your product is filled with full lust and greed. You brainwash people by talking upchain members luxury and all. These writers have not told that without having a good product just start making chain and get commission by fooling people. You are running ponzy scam whith pseudo product which are of no use. Checkmate..
Qnet: Go and start your own business and run it according to yourself. The thing is you can't even sell a single pen by yourself.
You: Yes i can sell a single pen because it is a real product and people need it.. Do you know meaning of product... A porduct is something which is going to be consumed by consumer on his requirement.. And whta qnet people are selling pseudo product which nobody needs.. a 100rs chinese glass is sold in 22k in name of trust which nobody needs it.. to sell this you have to do brainwashing.. the same my bastard friend is doing as you do.. Go and learn definition of product.. Checkmate..
Qnet: Talking about credibility of qnet, Martini Hingis would not have become the brand ambassador of qnet if it's such a fraud company.
You: What a bullshit.. where Martina is promoting the Qnet.. not a single word siad for qnet.. only questions were displayed to fool people.. If i am going to pay her then she will wear a tshirt of my name.. they are professional.. Virat playing for Vijay mallya's team dosen give mallya a cleancheat.. Paying to F1 team dosent mean that Qnet is clean and not doing scams..As a percentage of revenues, 20% are operating expenses. MLM companies are heavy on marketing and sponsorships, international and local seminar with celebrities, promotions, IT, Trainings etc. For eg Qnet is associated with F1, Donates to Unesco, Is the sponsor of Indian Davios cup team etc.
40% is distributed as commissions between the 'Upchain' members. All those people who have led to this member are paid. People higher in the chain get paid less per transaction but will have higher cumulative earnings and vice versa. Qnet follows a MLM model known as Binary Tree Structure. The commission models can be disguised in many forms but broadly the payouts remain the same.
Remaining 40% is operating profit of the company. Checkmate..
Qnet: We have got a lot of good news in the internet. Did you try to find out those? Qnet has got organic farming field, they are sponsoring a whole village, RYTHM is actively participating in different activities, we have got a University under us.
You: MLM companies are heavy on marketing and sponsorships, international and local seminar with celebrities, promotions, IT, Trainings etc. For eg Qnet is associated with F1, Donates to Unesco, Is the sponsor of Indian Davios cup team etc. You wrk on 20:40:20 ratio. then what. Its only marketing for Qnet brand.. You dont have any image for your products which is your core business.. Can you name a single product of Qnet which people are dying to buy.. Nill... Checkmate..
Qnet: You are not fit for our business. Your profile is not good.
You: Go to hell mother fucker.
SEE The Authenticity of QNET Documents given by IR:

Click to download QNET Policy and Procedure

Click to Download QNET PPT to fool you about earnings:
Click to read Qnet refund Process:
Click to read Vihaan Code of Ethics:
Judgment of Bombay High Court: "QNET is a chain where a person is fooled and then he is trained to fool others to earn money”
on 6 May 2016, Justice Mridula Bhatkar said, "The motto of the company 'sell more, earn more' appears very attractive and innocuous. However, this motto is fully camouflaged. The company stands on a basic statement that people can be fooled. Thus, the true motto is 'sell more earn more' by fooling people. In fact it is a chain where a person is fooled and then he is trained to fool others to earn money. For that purpose, workshops are conducted where study and business material is provided with a jugglery of words, promises and dreams. Thus, the deceit and fraud is camouflaged under the name of e-marketing and business."
Message to Qnet Scamsters: is your Dato sri is more important that being Indian. Dont be a**icker of Date Eeswaran. Its no more Media. Its law of our land.
Stop it mother fu**ers. Stop sucking Blood of common people.
- Written By
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